Save the Vaults & Garden cafe


The Vaults & Garden cafe located opposite the Bodleian library in Oxford’s Radcliffe Square has become a city institution over the last 20 years enjoyed by thousands of locals and tourists alike.

Now the founder, Will Pouget, and the operating company have been given three months’ notice to quit by the parochial church council of St Mary’s church, which leases the property from the University.

The cafe is located in the historic Old Congregation House, which was built in 1320, and is located next door to the Church. It was the first meeting house of the University’s governing body.

According to the Church, they want possession to carry out works to the kitchen and install toilets in the garden together with stone repairs and other works. And they say they intend to run the cafe themselves as a “social enterprise” and open again in Spring, 2025.

The operating company, Fresh Connection Ltd, has £400,000 invested in the business which will be lost and faces a redundancy liability of £100,000 in dismissing its 70 employees at such short notice.

The Vaults has become one of the most successful restaurants in Oxford and has gained a reputation for its good quality food offerings at affordable prices.

The church council pays a rent of £10,000 a year to the University and is receiving a rent of around £100,000 a year from Fresh Connection Ltd, valuable income for the Church which will be lost if Fresh Connection Ltd leaves.

A condition of the lease between the church council and the University is that the rent being paid for the cafe should only be used for repairs to the building and ecclesiastical purposes.

Will says that the company remained in occupation for much more substantial works in 2011 although closed for seven months and was paid compensation. He says that he has done his best to come to a compromise with the vicar, Canon Will Lamb, but this has not been possible.

Fresh Connection Ltd intends to vigorously defend any possession proceedings on a number of grounds and has had the advice of leading lawyers in both ecclesiastical and civil law.

We urge all of you who have enjoyed the Vaults & Garden over the years to support this petition and share it with your friends and colleagues by email and on facebook, instagram, whatsapp and twitter.

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